Saturday, January 28, 2006

Iceland Poppy

Here's a nice shot of an Iceland Poppy. Kinda makes you feel like spring!
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Saturday, January 21, 2006

Friday, January 20, 2006

Flower Shots

Here's a shot of a flower I took. As it gets closer to Spring, expect to see more photos of flowers
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Saturday, January 14, 2006

Camera Toss

Here's a cool camera toss pic I had taken of our Christmas tree. Just thought I'd share it. Ooowww Look at the Pretty Colors......
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Thursday, January 12, 2006

A watercolor flower

Here's a pic I took at work and then re-worked it Photoshop. What do you guys think?
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Matrix PIng Pong

I found this on google video and thought I'd share it with everyone.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Our Newest Addition

Yesterday Crystal had arranged for Victoria to go to her Grandpa's house so that we could have the night together to go out for my Birthday. The plan was for us to go have dinner at Red Robbins and then catch a movie at the Rave. However, to kill time she decided to go to Pet Smart and look for some treats for our bird. Well, we went in for bird treats but before I knew it we were leaving with a dog! She is a great looking dog and Very Playful! We are not sure but I think she is a mix between an Itallian Greyhound and a Sheapard of some sort. Anyways, her name is Lady and expect to see more pictures of her. Man, won't Victoria be surprised when we go pick her up and bring her home!
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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Now I'm in There

I found this pretty cool site: It offers a free service that's basicly a giant 3D world where you can meet new people (kinda like an animated chatroom), buy new clothes, change your avatars appearance, buy/create/ride a wide variety of vehicles and more. I just started messing with it but is seems pretty fun. Like I said, it's free. But, they do offer a $10.00 a month membership that includes voice chat and you avatars mouth actually moves when you talk. Give it a try!
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Monday, January 02, 2006

Teaching Victoria how to Skate

I took Victoria to Academy today and she fell in love with a pair of Barbie Skate. So I bought them. An hour later, we were home and ready for her first lesson. She did REALY well! She only fell down a few times. The first time, she just looked up at me and said "that's ok daddy, I just have to practice". I can't believe how big she is getting. At times like this she can sound so grown up!
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Empty Swings

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Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

Well another year has come and gone. Ready or not, 2006 is here. Looking back, there have been quite a few changes in my life from this time last year and I have to say that I'm in a better place now.

Did you all set any New Year Resolutions? Normaly, I don't. But this year I decided to set a couple. Including getting back involved with the graphic arts. So, hopefully you guys will see more artwork apearing on here if all goes well.

Well, here's to 2006 and new beginings. And most importantly, here's to another year of watching my daughter grow up and discover the world around her.
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