Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Superman returns music vid

I love this song

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Grand Lodge of Texas

Grand Lodge of Texas

Posted via Pixelpipe.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope you have a great one!


Saturday, October 04, 2008


after a long day at the State Fair, its time to call it a day. Were here waiting for the train to take us home.

Posted on SpotJots near:

live music

the Jollie Holliday band was great. nice classic rock music.

Posted on SpotJots near:

sand art

check these sand sculptures out

Posted on SpotJots near:

big tex

at the state fair

Posted on SpotJots near:


check out the cool bagpipe band!

Posted on SpotJots near:

waiting for the train

were at the train station now waiting for the train to take us to Dallas for the State Fair.

Posted on SpotJots near:

getting ready

well, it's that time again. The state Fair of Texas is here and so naturally we are on our way there. i will try to keep you posted on all that is going on this year!

Posted on SpotJots near:

Monday, September 15, 2008

Liliana playing outside

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Monday, September 08, 2008




Before you dismiss the fact that Sarah Palin is Commander of the Alaska National Guard consider this.

Alaska is the first line of defense in our missile interceptor defense system.


The 49th Missile Defense Battalion of the Alaska National Guard is the unit that protects the entire nation

from ballistic missile attacks. It's on permanent active duty, unlike other Guard units.


As governor of Alaska, Palin is briefed on highly classified military issues, homeland security, and counter-terrorism. Her exposure to classified material may rival even Biden's and certainly by far exceeds Obama's. She's also the commander in chief of the Alaska State Defense Force (ASDF), a federally recognized militia incorporated into Homeland Security's counter-terrorism plans.

Palin is privy to military and intelligence secrets that are vital to the entire country's defense.

Given Alaska's proximity to Russia, she may have security clearances we don't even know about.

According to the Washington Post, she first met with McCain in February, but nobody ever found out.

This is a woman used to keeping secrets. She can be entrusted with our national security, because she already is.
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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Lost a Tooth!

Today is a Special Day for my 6yr old (soon to be 7) girl. Tonight is the night before 1st Grade AND to make things even better, tonight she lost a tooth! So, that means tomorrow she gets to wake up from the visit of the Tooth Fairy and go for her first day at her new school! Needless to say, she is very excited!

Posted on SpotJots near: Hurst, TX 76053

Game Time!

Well, yesterday we decided to go to the Rangers Game and sit in the All You CanEst section! it was great! Except that Mother Nature had other plans. Right as the game was about to start, down came the rain! But, an hour and a half later, the game started and the fun resumed. Too bad we didnt win though....

Posted on SpotJots near: Rangers Ballpark in Arlington, Arlington, Texas

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Birthday Party

Victoria was invited to her friends birthday party today. She had a blast running around the Jungle with all her friends. Me? Im in need of some tylenol lol.

Posted on SpotJots near: Colleyville, TX

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Woman's Vault

Did any of you watch it? USA was totally ripped off! China's girl completely fell and landed on her knees and still beat out the USA?! How is that possible?!

Posted on SpotJots near: Hurst, TX 76053

Friday, August 15, 2008

Linkin Park - In The End

Batman vs the Death Star

Westboro Baptist neutralized by the Patriot Guard Riders

Tribute To Patriot Guard Riders

Patriot Guard Riders on ABC World News

What a great and honorable group.

BOA Finals 2007-San Antonio-Haltom

Home Alone with 2 beautiful girls

Well, the wife is gone for the night. The Cats away the mice will play they say.

Unless of course you have 2 kids to keep you company lol. Thats right, tonight its just me and the girls. So, whats the plan? We started the night off with a game of soccer, taking advantage of the first day below 110 that I can remember in a long time . Next I think we'll have some ice cream to cool off and then who knows what'll happen. As long as the baby doesnt get to cranky. lol

Looks like a long night ahead of me!

Posted on SpotJots near: Hurst, TX 76053

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Its a fine day to walk your Piano!

Well, its that time again. Another weekend has come and along with it comes a few Piano Moves.

Today should be a relatively easy one though, we just have 1 Grand Piano and 1 upright Piano .

Ill try to remember to take some pictures and put them up for everyone to see.

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Friday, July 25, 2008

BlackBerry Posting

testing out the new mobile version for my BB8120!

Posted near: HURST, TX 76053
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Friday, June 27, 2008

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sunday, June 01, 2008


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Thursday, May 22, 2008


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Bad Weather

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Monday, April 28, 2008


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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Coal Train

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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Storm Damage in Hurst, TX

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Masonic tattoo

06-17-061 004, originally uploaded by kmfisher1.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Were are all the Republicans?

I'm here ready for the Republican convention. I'm excited and ready to get going.

Only problem is......

I'm the only one here!

Now granted its only 7:20 and we don't start untill 7:30 but come on!!

The entire building is PACKED full of Democrats ready to cacus and show their support for their party. Why am I the only republican in the building?

This makes me concerned for the future of conservatives like myself...... If there are any.....
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Texas Primary

I voted, did you?
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Sunday, March 02, 2008

John Phillip Sousa leading the Shrine Bands

I found this old photo of John Phillip Sousa leading the Shrine Bands years ago. This does not do justice to the original because the stadium continues out way past both sides and even up above. Plus, on the two sides the bands even fill out onto the field.
How amazing it must of been to be there!
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Rain Forrest cafe

This guy was real quick and a challenge to snap a decent pic with my BlackBerry.
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Rain Forrest cafe

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Saturday, March 01, 2008

Victoria's Facepainting

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Darth Vader

Thursday, February 28, 2008

She Did It!

Liliana just rolled over on her own!
I just had to share it!

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Saturday, February 09, 2008


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Friday, February 08, 2008

VINELAND: $12,000 Masonic sword reported stolen from van

From staff reports

A Bridgeton man reported the theft of a $12,000 Knights Templar sword from his van.

Dave Wheaton, 53, of Shiloh Pike told police the sword belongs to the Masonic Temple in Bridgeton.
The reason it was in his van was unclear.

Wheaton said he left his 1995 Chevrolet van at Moe's Auto Sales in the 800 block of South Delsea Drive for repairs at 6 p.m. Jan. 23.

He returned at 6 p.m. Jan. 25 and was told repairs could be more than the van was worth so he traded it on another vehicle.

Wheaton said he was removing his belongings from the van when he discovered that the sword was missing.

He said it was under boxes and other items behind the rear seat.
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On The Lighter Side

Just because a doctor has a name for your condition, doesn't me he knows what it is.

If white wine goes with fish, do white grapes go with sushi?

Creativity is the art of concealing your sources.

A key ring is a handy little gadget that allows you to lose all your keys at once.

Flying is the second greatest experience known to man. Landing is the first.

Male zebras have white stripes, but female zebras have black stripes.
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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Republican Party Can't Afford More Liberal Leaders

David Limbaugh: New Column:
Republican Party Can't Afford More Liberal Leaders

I suppose I could be accused of over-dramatizing, but I truly worry about the direction this nation is headed when contemplating a presidential race where the choices are liberal and liberal-light.

If John McCain is the GOP nominee, that's what we'll be faced with, despite the Herculean efforts of some to spin it otherwise.

In that case, the presidential candidates of both parties would be willing to use the bully pulpit and governing power of the presidency to suppress political speech, punish producers, oil companies and drug companies, open wider our borders, cater to the whacko environmental movement and its junk-science-driven pseudo-consensus on global warming, nominate judges who don't "wear their conservatism on their sleeve," close Gitmo, confer constitutional civil liberties on enemy combatants, end life-saving interrogation techniques, demonize evangelical conservatives, and obstruct efforts of conservative Republican legislators.

It is also distressing that many conservative commentators are so deeply mired in rationalization in order to spin their support for John McCain. Sure, if I'm a paid staffer for McCain or a high-school debater forced to take the affirmative side of the proposition that McCain is a conservative, I can make a colorable case -- intellectual honesty be damned -- that he's a conservative. But I am under no such constraints. Getting 50 endorsements from well-placed Republican officials or even respected conservatives doesn't make McCain conservative. Being a conservative makes one a conservative.

I bet, truth be told, McCain can't even stand the word.

How quickly we forget that McCain said that conservative evangelicals are "agents of intolerance" and that social issues just aren't his thing.

How readily we overlook that his environmental and immigration policies alone contradict his self-identification as a budget hawk.

How quickly we forget that he really was just one of two Republican senators who actively opposed the Bush tax cuts, which, despite liberal disinformation, led to sustained economic growth.

How blindly we're willing to overlook McCain's fib that he opposed the cuts because they weren't coupled with guaranteed spending cuts.

That was most certainly not the thrust of his opposition to the cuts -- and he knows it.

The facts are available for all to see. He opposed the cuts because he said, quite dishonestly, that they were skewed in favor of the wealthy.

That, "my friend," is apparently what he means by "straight talk." McCain has no abiding loyalty to conservative principles. His loyalty is to John McCain. If he captures the nomination and then goes on to win the election after leading the charge for open borders and against the Bush tax cuts, can you imagine how liberally he'll govern?

How long do you think it will take for him to abandon his opportunistically acquired, more restrictive immigration policy when he has already stated that he hasn't changed his position at all?

It's time for Rod Serling to bring us back from the Twilight Zone.

With McCain's many liberal predispositions and his craving for approval from elitist liberal circles, how likely is it that he will be able to resist the temptation to govern so as to please The New York Times? Would the Old Gray Lady have endorsed McCain had she believed he had actually converted to the supply -- er, dark side?

Would this most liberal of liberal print-publication giants eulogized McCain if he hadn't established himself as a persistent annoyance to the Republican Party and conservatism?

Would the liberal commentariat in general be salivating over McCain if he'd seen the error of his quasi-liberal ways?

It would be one thing for a Democratic president to rail against capitalism, slander those as racists and bigots who want to protect the unique American culture and safeguard our national security through prudent protection of our borders and rule of law, routinely pay homage to the gods of global warming, and use the tax code as a weapon against achievement and realization of the "American dream." But for a Republican, also falsely labeled as a conservative, to do it would be tragic.

We've already gone far enough in that dangerous direction under Republican administrations. We can't afford to go any further. No matter how freely both parties have neglected the essential principles of limited republican government established in our Constitution, and no matter how foolishly we assume our unique experiment in constitutional self-rule will thrive even if we continue to reject the constitutional principles underlying it, we can destroy ourselves just as quickly from within as our enemies can destroy us by force.

We can't ever expect the ultra-liberal modern Democratic Party to vigilantly safeguard the pillars of self-government that guaranty our liberties.

We have no choice, then, but to work to bring home the GOP and its principal leaders, to conservatism.

Posted by David Limbaugh on February 4, 2008 05:49 PM to David Limbaugh  
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Sunday, February 03, 2008

Great BlackBerry Tips

Margaret Genet, operations analyst at Aflac knows BlackBerrys inside out.

In fact, she's nicknamed 'technology concierge' because she can teach anyone how to be more efficient with mobile devices and applications.

Most of her tips and tricks can be found by trawling BlackBerry websites and reading user manuals from cover-to-cover. But who has the time?

On to her tips...

Typing shortcuts:

1. To capitalise a letter with one click, hold down the letter key

2. To insert a full stop, click the Space Key twice

3. Turn CAP Lock on by pressing the ALT key followed by the right Shift key. Turn it off by pressing either Shift key

4. Turn Number Lock on by pressing the ALT key followed by the left Shift key. Turn it off by pressing either Shift key

5. Type an accented letter or special character by holding the corresponding letter and scrolling left or right with the trackball

6. Insert the current date into a message or document by pressing the L key followed by D and the Space key

7. Insert the current time into a message or document by pressing the L key followed by T and the Space key



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McCain, the Anti-Conservative

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-----Original Message-----
From: "Arthur Smith" <>

Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2008 06:46:47
To:"Joe Perrin " <>
Subject: McCain, the Anti-Conservative

David Limbaugh: New Column: McCain, the Anti-Conservative

It's true that McCain is unpopular with Reagan conservatives because he decidedly is not, on far too many issues, a Reagan conservative. But it's more than that. He is the anti-conservative. He instinctively sides against conservatives and relishes poking them in the eye.

He enjoys cavorting and colluding with our political enemies and basks in the fawning attention they give him. Adding insult to injury, he now pretends to be the very thing he is not: an across-the-board Reagan conservative. This fraudulent pretense inspires fundamental distrust among Reagan conservatives.

Consider: Robert Novak has corroborated John Fund's account of McCain dissing Samuel Alito as too conservative, or as "wearing his conservatism on his sleeve." True, McCain voted to confirm Alito, but that's a far cry from nominating such a judge in the first place.

McCain's characterization of Alito is troubling on another level, as well. There is a difference between a judicial-restraint philosophy and judicial activism that promotes conservatism. McCain wholly ignores that distinction and echoes the liberal line of disinformation that judges like Alito are conservative activists. This type of thinking is born of liberal instincts; McCain often thinks like a liberal.

That's unfair, you say? Well, isn't it true? Doesn't he have liberal instincts, or at least an irrepressible desire for liberal approval on global warming? Don't liberal assumptions underlie his crusade for campaign-finance reform?
How many times have we heard him say: "Money corrupts all of us. We need to get money out of politics"? Assuming he really believes money ineluctably poisons every politician, it is astonishingly naive to believe such ubiquitous corruption can be eradicated with a mere finger on the dike aimed at restricting certain avenues where money enters the process. It's as insultingly ludicrous as John Edwards' promise to end all poverty.

Plus, it's not as if the campaign-finance-reform experiment is just a well-meaning but harmless enterprise. On top of its woeful ineffectiveness, perhaps even counter-productiveness, it also has egregious consequences: It does violence to free political speech -- the most important category of speech essential to the preservation of our republic.

McCain's tunnel vision on this and his refusal even to consider the speech-suppressing aspects of his reckless, utopian fantasy bespeaks an ends-justifies-the-means attitude, also typical of the liberal mindset. "We know what is best for you, so there is no harm in our beneficent suppression of the most important freedom guaranteed by the Bill of Rights."

But perhaps most troubling about McCain is his habitual resort to class warfare. While he now says that he opposed the Bush tax cuts because he received insufficient guarantees that they'd be coupled with spending cuts, his stated reason at the time was that they were cuts just for the rich. This is demonstrably untrue.

The reductions were across the board and skewed, if anything, in favor of the middle- and lower-income earners. Only liberals mouth these disingenuous and destructive platitudes -- destructive because they alienate and polarize people, stirring resentment and demonizing producers and wealth. And don't forget that McCain was only one of two Republican senators who opposed the plan. That speaks volumes -- and it should open the eyes of those resisting the truism that McCain is not a reliable Reagan conservative. They're the ones with blinders on, not those of us laboring to unveil the truth.

Lest you think McCain's opposition to the Bush tax cuts was just a single exception to his stellar conservative economic credentials, I cite the recent California debate, in which McCain similarly disparaged big business, profits, producers and wealth. This constant harping against the engine and fruits of capitalism is tantamount to waging war against the American ideal. McCain's liberal instinct once again rears its unflattering head.

Whoa, you object. When it comes to the most important issue of all -- the war -- McCain is more hawkish and more conservative than anyone. But even that is not entirely true on closer inspection. He's been good mostly on Iraq -- from a conservative perspective -- but very disappointing on opposing tough, life-saving interrogation techniques, in wanting to close down Gitmo, and in favoring constitutional protections for enemy combatants. Only liberals think like that. Only liberal instincts tell us that if we are tough on them, they'll be tougher on us -- as if they need any excuse to be barbaric toward us. They just are.

It ought not to be necessary to have this debate about whether McCain is a Reagan conservative. Beyond the non-exhaustive list here, just look at the people who are constantly cheering him on -- liberals in the mainstream media, Hollywood and New York entertainers, and Democrats. Why? Because McCain not only often thinks and acts like a liberal, he also routinely and joyously sticks it to his own team; he's the "maverick" -- the anti-conservative in our huddle.
Posted by David Limbaugh on January 31, 2008 06:16 PM to David Limbaugh


Saturday, February 02, 2008

Stock show

Victoria got kissed by a baby cow!
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Monday, January 28, 2008

Palm to Close Most of Its Retail Stores

Published: January 28, 2008

Palm, the smartphone maker that is losing sales to BlackBerrys and iPhones, will close seven of eight of its retail stores next month.

Palm also will shut 26 Airport Wireless stores before the end of its fiscal third quarter, the company said Saturday in an e-mailed statement.

The store at Palm's office in Sunnyvale, Calif., will remain open.

Palm customers have fled to Research in Motion, maker of the BlackBerry device.

Apple also is taking buyers away with its iPhone, which was introduced in June.

Palm had said a shortage of parts would hurt production of its latest Treo smartphone.

Sales this quarter will fall to $310 million to $320 million, the second consecutive decline, the company said in December.

Analysts had expected $357.6 million in sales.
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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Poentates Ball

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Fort Worth Stock Show

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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Disabled Spy Satilite Threatens Earth

A large U.S. spy satellite has lost power and could hit the Earth in late February or early March, government officials said Saturday.

The satellite, which no longer can be controlled, could contain hazardous materials, and it is unknown where on the planet it might come down, they said.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the information is classified as secret. It was not clear how long ago the satellite lost power, or under what circumstances.

"Appropriate government agencies are monitoring the situation," said Gordon Johndroe, a spokesman for the National Security Council, when asked about the situation after it was disclosed by other officials.

"Numerous satellites over the years have come out of orbit and fallen..


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Word of the day

Word of the day:

Electile Dysfunction: the inability to become aroused over any of the choices for President put forth by either party in the 2008 election year
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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Rim Quarterly Disaster Test Set For Saturday 2:00am-6:00am Edt

Here it is so that you have a head's up:

NOTE: Please do not reply directly to this message, as this mailbox is not monitored.

If you need technical support regarding this message, please email with your BlackBerry Technical Support subscription code in the Subject line.

Dear BlackBerry Support Subscriber,
BlackBerry Business Continuity Program Update

RIM is scheduled to perform a BlackBerry® disaster recovery application failover test on the BlackBerry® Infrastructure.
The next quarterly test is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, January 26, 2008 between approximately 02:00 AM EST and 06:00 AM EST.

RIM expects that BlackBerry service will be minimally impacted by this test if the recommended BlackBerry®Enterprise Server (BES) software configuration settings are in place.

Accordingly, if you have further questions about the recommended BlackBerry Enterprise Server software configuration settings, please refer to KB03735 and KB04359 in the BlackBerry Technical Solution Center.

Thank you for your assistance and your ongoing support of the BlackBerry solution from Research In Motion.

BlackBerry Technical Support
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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

HD stock

The Home Depot, Inc.  

Closing Price $ 29.95
Opening Price $ 27.70
Previous Close $ 28.20
Change  +    1.75  

Last Trade Jan 23 4:10PM
Volume 40,795,300

Day Low $ 27.08
Day High $ 30.12
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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Microsoft Unveils Virtualization Strategy

from the getting-all-hyper dept.
posted by kdawson on 2008-01-22 09:28:00

billstewart writes "The Wall Street Journal reports that Microsoft will be announcing a virtualization strategy on Tuesday.

Of course there's plenty of focus on the competition with VMware, including the obligatory reference to Microsoft's entry into the browser wars prior to cutting off Netscape's air supply.

The pieces of the picture will include: an alliance with Citrix Systems, owners of XenSource; acquisition of privately held Calista Technologies of San Jose, which has software that speeds up the performance of applications running in a virtualized environment; and lower price for Windows Vista used on virtualized computers.

Microsoft also reversed its earlier position and will now allow the Home Basic and Home Premium versions of Vista to run under virtualization. The company confirmed its plans to deliver it's


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Tuesday, January 15, 2008


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Monday, January 07, 2008

Sony says unlocked music files in the cards for January

Date : Monday, January 07, 2008

Sony BMG Music Entertainment said Monday it will begin selling audio downloads in the MP3 format later this month, becoming the last of the four major record labels to sell some of their music without digital copyright protection software.

Sony BMG, the second-largest music company after Universal Music, said it would begin offering a gift card service on Jan. 15 in the U.S. that would allow consumers to purchase albums in the MP3 format.

The gift card program, called Platinum MusicPass, will debut later in January in Canada.

The cards will be priced at a suggested list retail price of $12.99 and will include the complete digital album plus bonus material or, in the case of compilations, extensive track listings.

Customers then scratch the back of the card to reveal an access code that will allow them to download their music files in the MP3 format.

Unlike other proprietary audio formats, the MP3 format does not use digital rights management, or DRM, copyright protection.

DRM software was originally added to audio tracks to prevent users from making multiple copies or sharing the files online for free but has been controversial with consumer rights groups, who have opposed DRM software on downloaded songs because consumers have traditionally had the right to copy songs they have paid for once.

Copy protection has also built walls between rival formats. DRM software prevents songs downloaded from Apple's iTunes store, for example, from being transferred to digital players made by Microsoft, Sony or other makers.

"The MP3 files delivered through MusicPass play on computers, as well as on all MP3 players, including iPods.

This makes them a simple, easy-to-use solution that will appeal to fans who already access their music on the internet, as well as to consumers who are just getting into the digital realm," Thomas Hesse, Sony BMG's president of global digital business and U.S. sales, said in a statement.In Canada, participating retailers will include Best Buy, CD Plus, Future Shop, Shoppers Drug Mart and Wal-Mart, the company said.

In addition, HMV will launch MusicPass in Canada during the first calendar quarter of 2008, Sony said.

Industry moving away from DRMSony is the last of the four major record labels to experiment with audio tracks without accompanying DRM technology, as online sales haven't made up for a drop in album sales in recent years.

According to Neilsen SoundScan, the number of albums sold last year declined 9.5 per cent, even when accounting for online sales.

Last April, EMI Group became the first of the four major record labels to begin selling its audio files without DRM when it reached a deal to sell the unlocked songs at a premium price through the iTunes store and later

Vivendi's Universal Music Group began selling its audio tracks DRM-free in August, while Warner Music Group announced a deal to sell MP3s through

The record labels hope the move to strip DRM from their music will help them regain consumers who are getting their audio tracks through peer-to-peer file sharing networks.Internet users collectively download about 1.1 billion songs from file-sharing networks every month, according to U.S.-based online media measurer BigChampagne.

With files from the Associated Press

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Sony and Toshiba execs comment on Warner Bros. decision at CES

The biggest question at this year's Consumer Electronics Show (CES), which opened in Las Vegas today, is what Warner's decision to join the Blu-ray camp exclusively means.

Based on predictions from industry analysts at the end of 2007 it means Blu-ray will become the dominant format by the end of 2008, but Akiyo Ozaka, president of Toshiba America Consumer Products, isn't so sure, and he said as much at a CES press breifing.

Ozaka said "We have been declared dead before." He also said of the Warner Bros. decision, "We were very disappointed with Warner Brothers' announcement. Sales of HD DVD were very good last year, especially in October to December."

However, he didn't have any comments about what the company's next move would be.

Although apparently on the side with the upper hand right now, Sony CEO Howard Stringer wasn't much more talkative.

At a press conference yesterday he said "All of us at Sony are feeling Blu. But that is a good feeling. We thank Warner to release only in Blu-ray."

He declined to make any other specific comments regarding Warner Bros., but thanked all the companies currently backing Blu-ray for being "true blue all the way through."

PC World
Video Business
Written by vurbal - 1/7/2008

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PS3 Holiday Sales Total 1.2 Million

Sony Corp. said Monday that PlayStation 3 game machine sales totaled 1.2 million in North America during the key holiday season, boosting the strength of the company's Blu-ray video format because the PlayStation 3 also works as a Blu-ray player.

PS3 sales are closely watched because competition is intense among the video game consoles - pitting Sony against Nintendo Co., maker of the Wii, and Microsoft Corp., maker of Xbox 360.

Competition is also fierce between the video formats Blu-ray and HD DVD,

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Sunday, January 06, 2008

Detroit hospital guard captures man with grenades

Date : Sunday, January 06, 2008

A man with a history of mental illness was tackled and caught by a hospital security guard after he entered an emergency room in Detroit with two live grenades late Saturday.

The incident occurred after the man was searched when he triggered a metal detector, authorities said.

The emergency room was evacuated and no one was injured.Police said the 44-year-old man has a military background and that the grenades were the kind used in training and were less powerful than those that would be used in combat.

Police also searched the unnamed man's home and found two pipe bombs and two grenades.

The man is now in hospital for evaluation.

With files from the Associated Press

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Saturday, January 05, 2008

Blu-ray discs winning DVD battle


The ongoing battle for supremacy in the high-definition DVD market is now being lead by Blu-ray discs thanks to the U.S. entertainment group Warner Brothers.

The New York Times Saturday said the TV and film company has backed the Sony Corp. DVDs rather than rival high-definition DVDs, marking a distinct advantage in the battle to replace standard DVDs.

Experts said that Friday's announcement from the top company in the $42 billion global home entertainment market may be a major blow to HD DVDs.

"This doesn't necessarily kill the HD DVD format, but it definitely deals it a severe blow," DisplaySearch analyst Paul Erickson said.

"When a consumer asks a store clerk which format to buy, that clerk is now going to have a hard time arguing for HD DVD.

"Entertainment groups have been attempting to choose a high-def DVD format to allow the industry to move forward in marketing and give consumers a single video format to chose from, the Times said.

Copyright 2008 by United Press International
by : Entertainment News EditorDate : Sat, 05 Jan 2008 18:33:53 GMT
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Victoria Coloring

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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Vatican Parchment Detailing 14th Century Trial Of Templars released

The Vatican's release of a historic document revealing the 14th Century trial against the Knights Templars sheds new light on books such as the Da Vinci Code. Large parts of the Templars' history has been unequivocally determined.

In the 14th-Century document, known as the Parchment of Chinon, Pope Clement V absolves the Templars of any wrongdoing. It is perhaps the most important Papal absolution that the world never knew about until a researcher, Barbara Frale stumbled on the document which had been miscategorized, in 2002.

The parchment, which has been released in its entirety last month, is particularly spectacular because it gives a detailed account of the Templar's role in history. Turns out some popular fiction and history writers, including the Da Vinci Code's author David Brown, are way off track. Another writer is so close that it has led to speculation whether he's an 'insider'. A rise of Neo Templarism might be on the cards...

Even though the document is not as important as for instance the Holy Grail, readers of the Da Vinci Code will certainly get some answers about why and how the Templars all of a sudden are left without a trace from the annals of history.

To give you a quick bird's eye view of the setting; the Knights Templar exited human history on a sour note. They were slaughtered by King Philip of France after having been accused of heresy.

The king of France had money troubles and simply butchered them shortly after they had received absolution of heresy by the Pope. Dan Brown describes this event in exactly the opposite way in the Da Vinci code. He says that the Vatican gave the orders for the destruction of the Templars and that the King of France played along.

Frale found the document after it had been overlooked by previous historians. She said that the last time that a thorough check through had occurred in the Vatican's Secret Archives at the beginning of the 20st century and that a catalog entry in 1628 was very vague.

"Unfortunately, there was an archiving error, an error in how the document was described," the Associated Press quoted her as saying. "More than an error, it was a little sketchy." Makes you wonder whether someone had tried to leave a message?

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Horseheads Masonic Lodge cancels Sunday breakfast event


Because another winter storm is forecast for over the weekend, the Horseheads Old Oak Masonic Lodge No. 364 has canceled its monthly $5 all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet that was scheduled for Sunday at the lodge, 111 S. Main St., Horseheads.

The monthly breakfast buffet is scheduled to resume on Jan. 20. The lodge uses the proceeds for the lodge and its community programs, including the Masonic ID Program

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