Thursday, November 29, 2007

Crazy Car

What do you think the EPA would say about this car?
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Today, after getting off the train at the Fort Worth Intermodal Transportation Center (ITC), I was waiting for my bus to take me to the Justice Center when I notice an older man standing to my right who was stairing at me. I politely nodded my head in greeting and he then asks me what lodge I belong to. It took me a second to realize 1) what he was talking about and 2) how did he know that I was a Mason? Then, as my head began to clear from the early morning fog, I remebred the Masonic pin that I placed on the lapel of my coat.
So, with a smile, I informed him that I was a member of Julian Feild Lodge #908 AF&AM and asked what lodge was he a member to. He informed me that he belonged to the Tabernackle lodge.
After talking for a while about nothing in particular, he began to tell me about his donations and contributions to the catholic church. He then showed me his cross that was sent to him by Pope Benidict XVI along with a handwritten letter thanking him for his contributions! He then told me about the history of the churches in the area and how he was asked to write a paper requestiong that Pope John Paul be inducted as a Saint.
Its amazing what interesting information and history is around you if you just open your eyes and take a second to look for it.

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Romo vs. Favre

1 Wisconsin native and Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo, above, faces his childhood idol in Green Bay quarterback Brett Favre.
The two will showcase their similar gunslingin' and play-making traits. Romo will try to outduel the veteran, who sees a lot of himself in the Dallas quarterback. Wade Phillips doesn't believe Romo will try too hard to outshine Green Bay's superstar.

NFC supremacy

2 The best team in the NFC will be decided tonight. Dallas and Green Bay are tied for the best record in the NFC and the second-best team in the NFL, behind New England, will emerge.
Tonight's matchup is the first time since 1990 that two 10-1 teams have played one another. Despite all the talk about offense, the play of both defenses, with players such as DeMarcus Ware and Aaron Kampman, above, might decide the outcome.

 Full Story:

Source: Fort Worth Star Telegram
Posted: 11/29/2007 By RICK HERRIN

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Empty train today....

I guess nobody goes to work on Tuesdays. Or at least for some reason they all decided to take their cars.
Oh well, more room for me to spread out. Lol
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Giuliani, Romney Spar on Immigration

ABC News --
ABC News' Ed O'Keefe Reports:
Squaring off in a Florida debate, Republican contenders came out swinging on the controversial issue of immigration.
"The reality is that New York City was not a sanctuary city," former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, R-N.Y., said in response to a question posed by Ernie Nardi of Dyker Heights in Brooklyn, New York, during the CNN/YouTube debate. Former Governor Mitt Romney, R-Mass., quickly took issue with Giuliani's contention. "(New York) called itself a sanctuary city. And as a matter of fact, when the welfare reform act that President Clinton brought forward said that they were going to end the sanctuary policy of New York City, the mayor actually brought a suit to maintain its sanctuary city status,"

Read the full story at:
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Antique Silver Masonic Cap Badge from the Grand Lodge of Scotland
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Ft Worth Limited Car 25

Car 25 is one of four electric motorcars ordered by the Northern Texas Traction Company (NTTC) in 1913. The cars served on the interurban lines between Ft Worth and Dallas and occasionally from Ft Worth to Cleburne. These cars traveled at speeds up to 70 mph. Car 25 features stained glass windows, inlaid mahogany paneling, and two passenger compartments - a ladies compartment in front with wool seats and a smoking compartment with leather seats in the rear. The NTTC created the Crimson Limited in 1924. In the case of the motorcars this involved a change in the internal paint job. The original dark green with gold trim was replaced with a red and white scheme with gold trim. Both the Dallas and Cleburne lines had shut down by the end of 1934.

Subsequently, car 25 found itself with trailer cars 407 and 411 being utilized as farm or ranch housing. Once Eagle Mountain Lake was established, these cars were effectively a lake house arranged in the letter U. At some point in time they were covered with a roof and enclosed on several sides helping to protect them.

In 1995, the landowner Mitzi McWilliams, donated car 25 and 411 to the Fort Worth Transportation Athority (the T). Two full time employees and a host of volunteers have restored the cars using a $220,000 federal matching grant.

Source: sign posted in front of Car 25 at the Ft Worth ITC.
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The view

Here's the view from our juror's room
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Trial Day One

Well, we started the first day of trial today.
Of course I cannot speak any about the trial so I'm going to focus more on the experience of my first Jury Duty.

Since this is a district court, I get to serve on a jury of a total of 14 people. We are all from different backgrounds including a lawyer, a detective, someone who works for the EPA, and more. They are all very nice and we've all gotten along well. In fact, during our breaks, we've resorted to playing hangman and pictionary on the white board in the jurors room. :-)

I know it may seem funny to many of you, but comming from a small urban area vs Chicago or New York, taking the train or bus is not exactly common place or even possible in many areas. At this point, public transportation is not realy a reality except for in the downtown areas of fort worth and Dallas. If you live in between, as I do, there are not really any buses that travel to many places throughout the suburban areas.
However, since the begining of the jury process, I have taken the train from a nearby station to downtown Fort Worth and then caught a bus to nearby the courthouse and made the short walk the rest of the way. I have to admit, I kind of enjoy this new routine of mine. It is nice using the public transportation system and being downtown each day. Having the ability to walk to the various shops and restaurants during my lunch breaks and after trial is a neat expirence. Now granted that this all could be due to the fact that I don't HAVE to do it EVERY day so we will see if I still feel the same way when were done.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Star Wars Gangsta Rap

Jury Duty

Today, I was summoned to Jury Duty in a Tarrant County District Court. I took the train to Downtown Fort Worth and took a bus to get to the Court House by 9:30am. Things were pretty mundane as the prosecutor took around 5 hours asking all 59 of us questions.
The problem was, most people did not actually LISTEN to the questions being asked! When asked questions about intent, they would go on about anything and everything NOT related!! When asked simple yes or no questions, they would proceed to tell their life story! What is the point asking questions when people don't even listen!?
Anyways, I was picked, along with 13 other peers, to fulfill my Civic Duty. Personally, I am excited about it. It should be a great experience to see our Justice System in action and actually get to be a part of it. From what we were told by the Judge, the trial will most likely go through the middle of next week which means I get to make a new daily commute involving trains and buses.
I'll update you all of my experiences as I can.
Until then, Have a great day!